Wayne Berry and his wife, Sharon, have two children, Heather and Justin. Wayne’s grandfather began homesteading the family’s land in 1907. His mother remained on the homestead and Wayne grew up on the family farm. In the late 1970s, Wayne took over the operation with 4,400 acres of farmland. Today, Wayne and his wife care for more than 100
The cropland has been seeded back to grass and the Berry’s now have custom grazing for cow calf pairs and yearlings. They have approximately 1,000 head of cattle. Wayne practices
planned recovery grazing and one to three day moves.
Areas of expertise are:
- Goal Setting/Decision Making
- Monitoring & Record Keeping
- Economics of Grazing Management
- Grazing Management/Rotations
- Livestock as a Management Tool
- Grazing Lands for Wildlife
- Winter Grazing Strategies
Contact Information:
Cell: 701-572-9183
E-mail: wberry@wil.midco.net