Lewis Heaton ranches alongside his wife, Sherry, sister and brother in law Colleen and Albert Kershaw, mother Harriet Heaton and daughter Ella.
Lewis began ranching in 1975 with his parents Robert and Harriet Heaton on the 160 acres that has been in the family since 1926. They have since grown to 10000 acres.
The ranch has 500 cow/calf pairs as well as cropland, which includes corn, soybeans, wheat and flax. They started practicing no-till in 1999, use crop diversity, cover crops and crop rotation. The ranch operates a large grazing plan using 50-60 pastures. Cattle are rotated every 3-20 days depending on
paddock size, location and water source. They have worked hard to attract and preserve wildlife by planting trees, preserving wetlands, building soil health and working with pollinators.
Areas of expertise are:
- Economics of Grazing Management
- Cropland Aftermath Grazing
- Grazing Management/Rotations
- Grazing Lands for Wildlife
Contact Information:
Cell: 701-400-9369
E-Mail: lrheaton@bektel.com