Christof Just and his wife, Kelli, have three children and the whole family plays a role in their ranching operation near LaMoure. Christof started ranching when he took out a loan to buy six bred heifers in the fall of 1996. At that time, he was working full-time as an agronomist and had recently graduated from North Dakota State University. In 1998, Christof moved back to the farm he grew up on and started renting land from his parents and other family members. He began farming/ranching full-time in 2001.

​The Just farm also operates with the help of a full-time employee and runs a couple hundred mother cows that start calving the end of April. The calves are weaned around the end of the year and are backgrounded until March. Christof raises 2,000 acres of corn, soybeans, rye, field peas, forage barley, and cover crops. He implements cover crops into his operation to use as forage and for soil health reasons. Cover crops also have been a tool to get more animal impact on the land in a cash cropping system.

Christof’s focuses include trying to be 100 percent no till, practicing the five principles of soil health, working to incorporate as much grazing as possible and keeping cattle out in the field, and implementing water development and water systems. 


Areas of expertise are:

  • Fencing
  • Cropland Aftermath Grazing
  • Cover Crops 

Contact Information:

Cell: 701-883-5615
Home Phone: 701-288-1112