Justin Maddock ranches near Maddock with his wife, Rachel and their six children Hailey, Logan, Kaitlyn, Jaycee, Graden and Clayton. Justin has worked multiple jobs since college and while working, he continued purchasing cattle. He began ranching full-time in 2013 and has been building their ranch ever since. The ranch is located next to the ranches of his dad and two brothers, Shane and Travis. Although all of their ranches are separate operations, they all help each other and work together.
Justin has 250 cow/calf pairs and rotates them on a couple of grazing systems. He also has a yearling background enterprise. His holistic management practices include implementing fencing and cross-fencing and installing water lines. Justin also plants cover crops to use for heifer development. He plants a variety of cover crops and practices no-till farming to heal the ground.
Areas of expertise are:
- Fencing
- Economics of Grazing Management
- Grazing Management/Rotations
- Cropland Aftermath Grazing
- Livestock Movement
- Water Development/Placement
- Livestock as a Management Tool
- Cover Crops
- Winter Grazing Strategies
Contact Information:
Economics of Grazing Management
Grazing Management/Rotations
Cropland Aftermath Grazing
Livestock Movement
Water Development/Placement
Livestock as a Management Tool
Cover Crops
Winter Grazing Strategies