While attending NDSU for a degree in Agricultural Engineering, Chad Njos purchased the “Cow Chip Ranch.” He and his wife, Amanda, started working the ranch, located southwest of Bowman, in 1993.
Together they have four children, Tobias, Zakai, Molly, and Elliot, who are an integral part of the ranch by raising hogs and poultry and improving habitat for wildlife. Amanda has also incorporated her business “Cow Chip Creations” into the ranch by building furniture out of reclaimed barn wood.
The ranch operation consists of mainly a cow/calf herd and yearlings, where genetics and nutrition are important. Chad has been exposed to holistic management nearly his whole life. In 2010, Chad and Amanda shifted their focus to improving soil health and ranch profitability. This has been accomplished through the use of intensive grazing and winter bale grazing. 


Areas of expertise are:

  • Goal Setting/Decision Making
  • Monitoring & Record Keeping
  • Fencing
  • Economics of Grazing Management
  • Grazing Management/Rotations
  • Livestock Movement
  • Water Development/Placement
  • Livestock as a Management Tool
  • Grazing Lands for Wildlife
  • Cover Crops
  • Winter Grazing Strategies



Contact Information:

Home: 701-574-3195

Chad's Cell: 701-523-6697
Email: cowchip@ndsupernet.com
Amanda's Cell: 701-523-8257