​Brad Sand began ranching with his dad and, in 1972, bought the ranch just a few miles from his family near Ellendale. His son, Cody, who is a mentor with his wife, Deanna, also ranches about 30 miles from him.
When Brad first started ranching, he was rotating cows on five pastures; however, that wasn’t enough time for the pastures to regenerate. He now has 21 pasture and rotates 140 cows approximately every week on his 720-acre farm. He calves in June and keeps the calves with the mothers until April, when they are weaned. He plants cover crops and has his cows graze in the winter months. He says using holistic management practices have been both less stressful and less expensive.


Areas of expertise are:

  • Goal Setting/Decision Making
  • Monitoring & Record Keeping
  • Fencing
  • Cropland Aftermath Grazing
  • Grazing Management/Rotations
  • Livestock Movement
  • Water Development/Placement
  • Livestock as a Management Tool
  • Grazing Lands for Wildlife
  • Cover Crops
  • Winter Grazing Strategies


Contact Information:

Home Phone: 701-349-4381
Cell: 605-228-6449