Pete Kronberg farms with his father, Keith, and brother, Thomas, west of Forbes. The land was homesteaded approximately 100 years ago and eventually split, with part of the homestead going to Pete’s grandfather. Pete’s father, Keith, later took over the land and added sheep. Keith was an early adopter of rotational grazing and cover cropping. In 2013 Pete and Thomas came back to the farm and started high density planned grazing. Pete, Thomas and Keith have now formed a formal partnership, the Tall Grass Sheep Company.
The 540-acre farm has 1,000 sheep. The operation lambs between 650-700 ewes in the late spring/early summer in the pasture and has them stay in the field. They move the sheep every one to three days, and try to feed as little as possible.
Areas of expertise are:
- Economics of Grazing Management
- Cropland Aftermath Grazing
- Grazing Management/Rotations
- Livestock Movement
- Water Development/Placement
Contact Information:
Phone: 701-357-7171 or 701-710-1771